It makes quite the difference whether you have a face-to-face conversation or a virtual sales meeting. Having a virtual sales meeting has several extra challenges compared to a 'normal' sales conversation. Digital sales is becoming more prevalent today, but it requires different things from salespeople.
In this article, we will discuss some of the common mistakes in conducting virtual sales meetings. This way you are better prepared and you will be more successful with your virtual sales calls!

1. Talking Too Much
Just like in a normal sales conversation, in an online sales conversation, it is better to listen to your customer or prospect. However, during a virtual sales call it is more difficult to know when to speak and when to leave a silence. Sometimes there is a delay in the conversation and you notice that both of you keep talking at the same time. Or the other person has some difficulty with video calls and is not very talkative. You can easily fill this void in the conversation by talking.
If you think the other person is afraid of the camera or feels embarrassed, it's best to mention it: “It's weird, communicating to each other like this, isn't it?”, or: “I always find it a little bit odd when I see myself sitting like this”. In this way, you create space for the other person to speak up and relax a bit.
Another way to invite your prospect or customer to speak up is by asking questions. Both offline and online, this works better than just talking too much.
2. Getting To The Point too Quickly
So how do you avoid getting to the point too quickly and perhaps talking too much? If you don't have much experience with virtual sales meetings, you might be tempted to keep the conversation as short as possible. Yet it pays to take the time to get to know your customer better. After all, people are more likely to listen to you if they like you, and relationship building is an important aspect of sales.
Saying something about the journey to the appointment or the weather would be a normal conversation starter. However, in virtual sales conversations, you have far fewer conversation starters to choose from. In a virtual sales conversation, you make someone feel comfortable by asking if someone works from home a lot, or maybe something strikes you about the other person's background. I have been working from time to time from a camper - it’s been a great conversation starter.
Make sure you talk just a little longer to get to know the other person. This way can create a lasting relationship.
3. Technical Issues
Technical problems sometimes occur because you are both working online. You can never eliminate it, but you can do your best to avoid as many issues as possible.
Make sure you have a stable internet connection and if it is necessary to choose another place where you have better wifi, do so. A frozen screen is no fun for anyone and can hurt your sales pitch. Check this before your call.
Check several video calling providers to find out which one suits you best, or which one has the most intuitive navigation. There is nothing more annoying than fumbling with sharing your screen, opening a presentation, or trying to send a chat message during the call.
Make sure the call invitation is clearly communicated and send a reminder just before the call with the meeting link.
Also, check whether your camera quality is good enough, adjust the lighting if necessary, and make sure you do not have to look up or down too much.

4. Paying Too Much Attention To Yourself
Are you easily tempted to look at yourself when your camera is on? In virtual selling, your camera is always on. That means that you are quite aware of yourself. However, don’t pay too much attention to yourself.
If you keep staring at yourself, your customer will feel that he or she is not important. Therefore, always pay attention to what the customer has to say and try to catch any small details as well. This way you stay focused on the other person and you are less concerned with how you look on camera.
5. Doing Almost No Research
Virtual selling is all about selling your product or service. It pays to prepare well. For example, prepare by creating an agenda. This gives yourself and the other a structure during the meeting. This way, you know how to direct the conversation and pitch your product or service in the best way possible to your prospect.
If there are important documents for the conversation, it is best to send them in advance. In a virtual sales meeting, you simply don't have the opportunity to show a flyer or brochure that can be the start of the conversation.
6. Not Showing Enough Enthusiasm
Talking too much during your online sales meeting is not good, but being silent during the conversation is not good either. Whereas in a physical conversation you might lean back a bit to invite the other person to take up space, this is counterproductive on a screen. The other person may think you're no longer interested. In an online sales conversation, lean forward a bit to show your interest.
Also, always try to use your body language. For example, gesture with your hands and adopt an active posture. Maybe you can do the call standing up so that you are moving more. This way you will be more energetic. Furthermore, this will also make your prospect feel more at ease so you might be able to bring the sale to a successful conclusion.
7. Lack Of Team Collaboration
Working remotely together on a new account also brings other challenges for you and your colleagues. Not only are your sales calls online, but you also have to stay in touch with eg the success team to make sure everything runs smoothly after the contract is signed. Collaborating with your team is absolutely necessary.
Nothing is more annoying than when a colleague also has an appointment with your customer, while you are not aware of that. Or the follow-up of your virtual sales meeting is not done.
When you are in the office it is easy to catch up with each other. When working remotely, this is much more difficult. By working with a shared platform, you can avoid a number of these kinds of problems.
8. Appearing Unprofessional To Clients
It’s quite easy to stop caring about how you look when you’re working from home all the time. You've undoubtedly seen salespeople who no longer look so presentable on screen and therefore come across as unprofessional.
Although sweatpants are comfortable and do not show up on your screen, it is better to wear something more formal. You never know when you will unexpectedly have to stand up and your prospect sees your outfit. A pair of jeans makes a big difference while a suit is generally overdressed for fully remote calls. It would make your potential customer feel uncomfortable.
9. Lots Of Background Noise
Maybe you are tired of working from your home office and would like to use a flexible place somewhere in your neighborhood. However, this also causes background noise. After all, from your home office, you avoid music playing or many other background noises. With a flexible place, you can’t control that.
Make sure you look for a place with as little background noise as possible. Do you need to have a conversation, but are the people around you talking too loudly? You can always ask them to turn it down until you have finished the conversation. There are some tools like to limit background noise. This way you are always assured of a professional environment and you prevent your prospect or customer from being annoyed by it.
The Right Conditions For Virtual Sales Meetings With Vectera
Do you also want to conduct professional virtual sales meetings, be able to rely on the technology, and stay in touch with your coworkers? Then our sales enablement software is for you! Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities for your organization!