Do you wonder how Vectera compares to Meetfox? We have made a comparison of both meeting solutions so you can easily find out what's different.
Both Vectera and Meetfox offer the possibility to schedule meetings with clients in person or online, and no downloads are needed. It's possible in Vectera and Meetfox to have a videomeeting or do audio only, you can share your screen and record sessions. But what makes Vectera different from Meetfox?
Don't have time to read the in-depth comparison? Check the wrap-up table below and start better video meetings now.
1. Start meetings
In Vectera you have multiple options to make meeting rooms and to invite your client. You can make different appointment types so your client can book a meeting in your agenda and auto create a meeting room. You can also create a meeting room in your dashboard for team meetings or just quick idea exchanges. Meetfox only gives the option for a meeting room after someone books a meeting.
You can have group videomeetings with up to 6 people in your Vectera meeting rooms, add team members to your team and fully integrate Vectera in your own domain. So Vectera can be used for more than just one-on-one meetings!
Both Meetfox and Vectera are 'device agnostic' meaning they can be used on pretty much all devices with a recent browser.

2. Scheduling
Meetfox offers an easy to use scheduling feature which makes it possible to sync your Google or Outlook calendar. What about other calendar programs? Vectera offers synchronization with your Google or Outlook calendar but also for Office 365, Exchange and iCloud. Everyone should be able to connect, right?
In Meetfox you can set your availability day by day with start and end times. Nice if you work in large blocks but seems like a lot of work if you have a few fixed moments in your Calendar every day. In Vectera it's possible to set your availability per appointment type in one calendar view, fast and easy!

3. Don't limit yourself to classic audio/video/screen share. Bring more creativity and engagement in the conversation.
Like most classic meeting solutions, Meetfox meeting rooms have the good online meeting features: audio/video/screen sharing. These are the basics that should work, every single time.
But what if you could demo your app together with your client? Or give interactive support to your client? Or draw a server infrastructure, a revenue plot or any other graph on a whiteboard? Vectera has integrated whiteboards that enable you to write down meeting minutes, visualise spec lists, show proposals and so much more.
And best of all, your work and creativity is automatically synced with all participants and stored in the meeting room. The next time you meet in the same meeting room, everything will be there just like you left it.

4. How about screen share and co browsing?
Sharing screens is possible in Meetfox and Vectera. Both work exactly in the same way: you have the opportunity to share your full screen, application window or a browser tab. Then you select the screen you want to share and it works.
But if you want to go the extra mile and make it possible to work together on a shared screen, you will need to co browse. Vectera offers the possibility (in Chrome) to allow your participant to browse on your shared browser tab. This means your guest can take over your browser tab (or vice versa).
5. Everything stays in place, ready for the next meeting. No need to re-explain, re-upload, re-copy-paste.
When a regular video meeting ends, everything is gone. In Meetfox you can choose to pause the meeting or to end it. If you end the meeting, you only keep the chat history and files you shared in chat.
Vectera works fundamentally different: Create persistent video rooms for each of your clients or projects and keep track of all content and communication in one single place. All notes, documents and meeting recordings stay in this virtual meeting room.
When meeting the customer again, you can pick up the conversation where you have left off.
Want to give Vectera a try? We offer a 14 day free trial, all features included and no credit card required. Register here!
Wrapping up in a simple table