June updates: summer’s here!

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Summer holidays are almost there, so we just don’t want you to leave without the newest updates from Vectera. We’ve got new features in the meeting rooms and the dashboard and a sneak peek on what’s yet to come next month!

Bigger meeting rooms (beta)

The last improvements have been made, so we’re happy to announce that there’s now a working beta version that supports stable group meetings up to 10 people! Several clients who signed up as beta-tester will be selected to test bigger group meetings. If you still want to sign up, don’t hesitate to fill in this form!

Desktop notifications

You will now hear the pop sound and get a desktop notification when someone joins a meeting. The desktop notification will only show if you're working in a different browser tab or program, other than the meeting room. All you have to do is enable desktop notifications in your browser. This help article shows you how to do it!

Sneak peek: Waiting room

The improved dashboard with waiting room feature is almost there! Next month we’ll launch this brand new feature, where you’ll have a view of all clients waiting for you (or your team) to meet them. When your client is waiting in their trusted waiting room, you’ll get notified in your Vectera dashboard. From there, you can choose to let your client join an existing or a new meeting room.

You’ve maybe already noticed that your meeting room urls and the urls in your calendar events already changed a little bit, but no worries. That’s all part of the waiting room feature! Existing meeting room urls will of course be forwarded to the new url, so you can still use your meeting rooms.

Other improvements

Lastly, we would like to highlight that we look forward to your feedback. Our main goal still is to improve your experience with creating online meeting rooms. Eager to get going? Log into your account or get started with a free, fully featured trial of Vectera.

video meeting videochat video meetings virtual meeting feature launch updates