August updates: improved sharing and reset options for meeting rooms, whiteboard logos and more!

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No summer blues at Vectera, we just keep improving our platform to give you the best possible online meeting experience. Updates in the meeting rooms and whiteboards and a better team management within Vectera are part of this month’s updates.


Share meeting rooms with team members

From now on, you can easily share access to your meeting rooms with your team members. Access for team members will be ‘should knock’ by default, but you can easily change the default setting in your team settings. You can always overwrite the settings for individual meeting rooms.

You can find the meeting rooms of your team with the status 'can always join' or 'is host' at the tab ‘Team meeting rooms’ on your Vectera dashboard.

Click here to find out how you can change the access permissions for your team members.

Personalise text on the waiting screen

Do you want to leave a more personal message for your guests on the waiting screen? Go to your team settings and change the text to suit your preferences.

Customize the message in the waiting screen of your meeting rooms.

When your guest is knocking and waiting for you to let him/her in, he/she will see the message. If you’re doing it right, waiting just got a little bit more pleasant!

Custom text strings on the waiting screen.

Scheduling: personal appointment types for team admins

It was already possible to create a personal appointment type as a team admin. However, we’ve got a few messages of users who thought that it wasn’t very intuitive. Since Vectera is all about user friendliness and we really appreciate our user’s feedback, we made one small (but big) change.

When you’re a team admin, visit the scheduling tab. You’ll now have the choice to ‘create a personal appointment type’ or to ‘create a team appointment type’.

Create a personal or a team appointment type.

If you want to add team members as extra hosts to your personal appointment types later on, you can just ‘convert it to a team appointment type’

Convert your personal appointment type to a team appointment type.

Meeting rooms: 1 word, more!

More sharing options

As said above, access to your meeting rooms can now be shared more easily with your team members. But that’s not all: we updated the complete sharing experience. Enjoy these new sharing options:

New sharing settings for your Vectera meeting rooms.

There are 4 ways of sharing a meeting room with a guest or a team member. And for each option there are several access levels that you can configure:

  1. Public link: guest should knock or can always join
  2. Private link: guest should knock, can always join or is host
  3. Team access: team member should knock, can always join or is host
  4. Specific access: guest should knock, can always join or is host

These sharing options cover a lot of use cases. I’m highlighting three here:

Share the meeting room with 1 client

Let’s say you’ve had a meeting with a client. You’ve discussed several files and made notes. You want your client to be able to review what you’ve discussed. In that case, you would grant that client specific access. You’ll need to invite that client via email. They’ll receive a meeting room URL with a unique access key attached to it - allowing them to enter the meeting room whenever they want.

Share the meeting room with 1 client and their colleagues

Now suppose your client has several colleagues who also need to access the meeting room to review the discussion. Sending an invitation to all those clients is a lot of work, right? Well, good news! You can create a private link for your client and their colleagues and enable that they can always join the meeting room. You can then copy and send that link (including an access key) to your client and their colleagues in a personal email or text message.

Add hosts to the meeting room

When there’s more than one speaker in a meeting, you want them to be in full control. Allowing guests to enter, enabling private notes or presenter mode: all part of hosting a meeting! If you want a guest to be a host, you can either share a private link with them or grant them specific access with the access level set to ‘is host’. Your guest will then also be able to reset the meeting room, so handle with care!

For detailed information on these sharing options and their access levels, you can read more about it in our help article.

More reset options

Resetting your meeting room was already possible before, but we added some more options so you can decide which content you want to reset and which you want to keep.

New reset options in the meeting rooms

If you only want to reset the chat history, you can also do it in the chat box itself. Open the chat box, click ‘reset’ at the top. The chat history will be deleted so you can restart with a clean slate!

Whiteboard updates

Add a logo to your whiteboards

Adding a logo to your whiteboards in the Vectera meeting rooms will make them look even more professional! Go to team settings, upload a logo (if you didn’t do it yet) and select ‘auto-add your logo to the whiteboard pages’.

Auto-add your logo to the whiteboard pages in your team settings

Your logo will now show at the left top corner of every newly added whiteboard or whiteboard page. There’s off course still the possibility to replace or rescale it.

Your logo will show at the left top corner.

Lastly, we would like to highlight that we look forward to your feedback. Our main goal still is to improve your experience with creating online meeting rooms. Eager to get going? Log into your account or get started with a free, fully featured trial of Vectera.

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