Vectera December updates: custom cookie policy, new chat location, private notes and more!

What's new 4 min read

While it’s getting colder outside, at Vectera we have to keep ourselves warm by working hard on new features. Because of all that hard work, this month we can announce several new updates in the dashboard, scheduler, meeting rooms and whiteboards!

First of all, Vectera’s developing team has been working hard to further increase the reliability and overall performance of Vectera. Besides that, we’re working on a lot of bigger features in the background. The result of all that hard work will be visible soon!

But for now, we have quite a lot updates that will improve your Vectera experience:


Team access level

As a team admin, you could already set the team access level for all your team members. From now on, you can also make it impossible for your team members to override this team access level in their meeting rooms.

If you set the team access level on 'Should Knock' and uncheck the box 'Allow overriding ...’, your team members won’t be able to give each other access to (some of) their own meeting rooms.

If you set the default team access level to ‘should knock’ and you disallow your team members to override this in their individual meeting rooms, the ‘team meeting rooms’ tab won’t show anymore in the Vectera dashboard.

(Dis)allow overriding the team access level for individual meeting rooms

If you’re the only member in your Vectera team, the ‘team meeting rooms’ tab won’t show in the dashboard anyways.

Create new meeting rooms

When creating a meeting room in your dashboard using spaces and special characters like &, § and ç, you won’t see an error message when you click ‘create’ anymore.

This is how it looked before

From now on, your meeting room will be created right away! Spaces become a hyphen in the url and the special characters will be automatically removed.

And this is the new look: no more errors when creating a meeting room!

Also, we’ve removed the option to change ‘Locked/Unlocked’ settings when creating a meeting room in the dashboard. Of course, you can still adjust access levels in the share settings of the meeting room itself!

Upcoming appointments will show until 15 minutes after the start

Running a little bit late for another online meeting these days, it can happen to the best of us. Upcoming appointments will now show in the dashboard until 15 minutes after the scheduled starting hour.

In that way you can still easily find your next upcoming appointment, even if you’re a bit late!

Meeting rooms

Add your own cookie policy when using your own custom domain Vectera

If you’re hosting Vectera meetings on your own domain to offer a full whitelabel experience to your clients, you can now add your own cookie policy for your clients to accept. In that way, Vectera is again completely out of sight! And you can comply with privacy regulations.

You can add your own custom cookie policy in the ‘legal’ section of your team settings.

Set up your own cookie policy in the team settings.

To be able to set up your own custom domain and thus your own cookie policy, you need the whitelabel add-on. If you didn’t add it to your subscription yet, you can easily do that on your subscription page.

Relocation of chat and private notes

We reorganized the meeting rooms a little bit. The chatbox and private notes have got a new place in the meeting room where they can stand out more than before!

Just look a little bit more to your right and you’ll find your beloved features!

Chat and private notes are still there. Just look a little bit to the right!


Edited reminder email template for hosts

Reminder emails are generated at the moment an appointment is scheduled. If you (the host) or your client cancel the meeting in your calendar tool, this is not synced in Vectera and the reminder email will be sent out at the time the appointment was originally scheduled.

To save you a little heart attack when receiving a reminder for a cancelled or rescheduled appointment, we’ve added the following message in the reminder email that’s sent out to the meeting host:

“Note that this email was generated when the appointment was booked. If in the meantime the appointment was rescheduled or canceled, you can safely ignore this email.”

This message won’t show by default in the reminder email that’s sent out to your client. If you want it to show in that one too, you can easily edit your email reminder template!


New default pencil thickness

This is a small change, but you’ll notice the difference immediately; literally speaking!

We changed the default thickness of the pencil, the marker pen and geometric shapes in whiteboards to the medium thickness. That way, lines will be a little bit thicker and your eyes will get a little bit more rest!

Thicker default lines in the whiteboards, your eyes can thank us later ;)

Header image: Business vector created by pikisuperstar -

Lastly, we would like to highlight that we look forward to your feedback. Our main goal still is to improve your experience with creating online meeting rooms. Eager to get going? Log into your account or get started with a free, fully featured trial of Vectera.

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